The human body induces the switch, the wireless teleswitch, good quality Anda makes, specialized - - is worth trusting!

Product classification

Smart induction module series
Wireless remote control switch series
Wireless transmitter module
Super-regenerative receiver module
Accepts making to order
Welcome to discuss and make arrangements
Develops necessary
Careful manufacture
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Product range:TAD-K218A
Function characteristic:
    Based on infrared technology automatic control product, when some people enter the switch induces the scope, the special-purpose sensor surveys the human body infrared spectrum the change, the switch automatic connection load, the human does not leave the induction scope, the switch continually puts through; After the human leaves, switch time delay automatic shut-off load.Is bright the human to the lamp, the human extinguishes to the lamp, kind convenient, safe energy conservation.
Bipolarity design: The firing line/zero curve with the lamp holder reservation line direct connection, the installment is simple.
Completely automatic induction:The human comes the switch to put through immediately, after the human leaves the time delay automatic shut-off.
Non-contact electronic switching:Connection load instantaneous not big surge current, extension load service life, non-contact, switch sparkless.
Automatic light measuring:Light strong when does not induce (exwork establishment),
Automatic stochastic time delay(May sequential time delay way): The human in the induction scope activity, the switch always puts through, leaves the only then automatic shut-off after the human. Has in addition may not the sequential time delay way (be possible to elect).
Delay time:Is smaller than 60The second (also may act according to customer request making to order, making to order scope zero several seconds to 30 minutes).
Ultra low power loss:Switch own power loss< 0.2W, compared to other brand similar product electricity saving.
Anti-radar function:Ad hoc anti-radar component, but prevented effectively the thunder and lightning and so on the instantaneous high pressure the harm which creates to the switch.
Electrical parameter:
Induction way
Passive form
Working voltage
Induction principle
Human body infrared
Own power
Induction distance
5 meters
Load capacity
Induction angle
100 degrees coning angles
Load scope
The incandescent lamp, conserves energy the lamp
The light controls the induction
Ambient temperature
Applicable scope:
    Place and so on corridor, corridor, bathroom, basement, warehouse, garage automatic illuminations, exhaust fan automatic convulsion as well as other electric appliance functions and so on automatic control, simultaneously available in security and so on uses.
Wiring graphical representation:

Induction scope graphical representation:

(Wall installs graphical representation)


(Attracts goes against installs graphical representation)

Electrical energy statement of profit and loss: (Reference)

Does not use conserves energy the switch
Uses conserves energy the switch
Year province electric quantity (a lamp)
Each late operating time
Year power consumption
Each late operating time
Year power consumption
>102.2 kwh (province electricity above 70%)
>10 hours
>146 degrees
<3 hours
<43.8 degrees
Downloading: Product instruction booklet 1 Product instruction booklet 2 Product instruction booklet 3
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